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Monthly Archives: April 2021

Impact of PM 2.5 dust

Impact of PM 2.5 dust

Impact of PM 2.5 dust. Many cities are covered with PM 2.5 dust pollution. This very small dust, 1 in 25 of the hair’s size so small. that It can breathe into the lungs and penetrate the lung wall into the bloodstream to diffuse it.

What are the substances in popular whitening creams?

What are the substances in popular whitening creams? Which one is at risk, which one works? There are many skin whitening cosmetics available in the market today. As we know as ” White Face Cream ” (Whitening Products), which is a popular product for women. Because there are many creams

Each color of urine indicates different diseases

Each color of urine indicates different diseases!

Each color of urine indicates different diseases! The color of urine (Urine color) due to the color of the substance euro Dini (Urobilin), which is derived from heme compounds , a component of red blood cells. When red blood cells die by life expectancy. The heme is decomposed

The benefits of fat

The benefits of fat

The benefits of fat.Fat is a staple food, group 5 consists of Vegetable and animal fats. Which we tend to use in cooking to make food taste and colorful. It also includes the fat inserted in various meats such as pork, beef, fat is 15-30 percent, chicken meat is

The benefits of vitamins

The benefits of vitamins

The benefits of vitamins , Vitamins are the fourth main food that consists of Different types of fruit Food in this category. When the body digest, provides nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is similar to the main diet of group 3 and food in this group is the nutrients

Benefit of Mineral salts

Benefit of Mineral salts

Benefit of Mineral salts. Mineral salts are the third staple food that consists of various vegetables including green leafy vegetables and colored leafy vegetables. Such as yellow, white, purple, red, etc. Which provide different nutritional values. Where mineral salts are a group of inorganic substances that the body

know about carbohydrates?

What should you know about carbohydrates?

What should you know about carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are group 2 staple foods that contain rice, flour, sugar, taro, oily, etc., including products made from rice, starch.Benefits of carbohydrates are as follows. It gives energy and warmth to the body. Causing the body to be able to move to work

need to know about protein

What you need to know about protein?

What you need to know about protein? Proteins and carbohydrates have the same amount of calories per gram. Therefore, eating protein can also cause obesity. We cannot eat fats or carbohydrates as a substitute for protein. Since there is no nitrogen as an element. Considering the value

The benefits of protein

The benefits of protein

The benefits of protein. Protein is a group 1 staple diet that consists of meat, milk, eggs, nuts, dry seeds, and also microorganisms such as yeast, algae, mushrooms, worms and edible insects are all good sources of protein. Protein is the main building block of every cell in

vitamins for the elderly?

What are vitamins for the elderly?

What are vitamins for the elderly? For older people, their nutritional needs are quite varied. Which will vary from person to person But in general People over 65 years of age need a vitamin and mineral supplement. Especially calcium and magnesium And vitamin B complex and vitamin C, vitamin E.